.. Copyright (C) 2005 - 2020 Eric Van Dewoestine This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Cheatsheet ========== Here you will find a comprehensive list of eclim commands that you can use as a reference. Global Commands --------------- - :ref:`:PingEclim <:PingEclim>` - Pings eclimd server. - :ref:`:ShutdownEclim <:ShutdownEclim>` - Shuts down eclimd server. - :ref:`:VimSettings <:VimSettings>` - View / edit eclim's vim client settings. - :ref:`:WorkspaceSettings <:WorkspaceSettings>` - View / edit global workspace settings. - :ref:`:EclimDisable <:EclimDisable>` - Temporarily disables communication with eclimd. - :ref:`:EclimEnable <:EclimEnable>` - Re-enables communication with eclimd. - :ref:`:EclimHelp <:EclimHelp>` [helptopic] - View eclim documentation in vim. - :ref:`:EclimHelpGrep <:EclimHelpGrep>` /regex/ - Search the eclim documentation in vim. Project Commands ---------------- - :ref:`:ProjectCreate <:ProjectCreate>` [-p ] -n ... [-d ...] - Create a new project. - :ref:`:ProjectImport <:ProjectImport>` - Import a project from an existing eclipse project folder. - :ref:`:ProjectList <:ProjectList>` - List current projects. - :ref:`:ProjectSettings <:ProjectSettings>` [] - View / edit project settings. - :ref:`:ProjectDelete <:ProjectDelete>` - Delete a project. - :ref:`:ProjectRename <:ProjectRename>` [] - Rename a project. - :ref:`:ProjectMove <:ProjectMove>` [] - Move a project. - :ref:`:ProjectRefresh <:ProjectRefresh>` [ ...] - Refresh supplied list of projects against the current files on disk. If no project names supplied, refresh the current project. - :ref:`:ProjectRefreshAll <:ProjectRefreshAll>` - Refresh all projects. - :ref:`:ProjectBuild <:ProjectBuild>` [] - Build the current or supplied project. - :ref:`:ProjectInfo <:ProjectInfo>` [] - Echos info for the current or supplied project. - :ref:`:ProjectOpen <:ProjectOpen>` [] - Opens a project. - :ref:`:ProjectClose <:ProjectClose>` [] - Closes a project. - :ref:`:ProjectNatures <:ProjectNatures>` [] - View the configured natures for one or all projects. - :ref:`:ProjectNatureAdd <:ProjectNatureAdd>` [ ...] - Add one or more natures to a project. - :ref:`:ProjectNatureRemove <:ProjectNatureRemove>` [ ...] - Remove one or more natures from a project. - :ref:`:ProjectProblems <:ProjectProblems>` [] - Populates vim's quickfix with all eclipse build errors and warnings for the current, or specified project, and all related projects. - :ref:`:ProjectCD <:ProjectCD>` - Changes the global current working directory to the root directory of the current file's project (executes a :cd). - :ref:`:ProjectLCD <:ProjectLCD>` - Changes the current working directory of the current window to the root directory of the current file's project (executes a :lcd). - :ref:`:ProjectTree <:ProjectTree>` [ ...] - Opens navigable a tree for one or more projects. - :ref:`:ProjectsTree <:ProjectsTree>` - Opens a tree containing all projects. - :ref:`:ProjectTab <:ProjectTab>` - Opens a new tab containing the project tree and the tab local working directory set to the supplied project's root. - :ref:`:ProjectGrep <:ProjectGrep>` // file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Issues a vimgrep starting at the root of the current project. - :ref:`:ProjectGrepAdd <:ProjectGrepAdd>` // file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Issues a vimgrepadd starting at the root of the current project. - :ref:`:ProjectLGrep <:ProjectLGrep>` // file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Issues a lvimgrep starting at the root of the current project. - :ref:`:ProjectLGrepAdd <:ProjectLGrepAdd>` // file_pattern [file_pattern ...] - Issues a lvimgrepadd starting at the root of the current project. - :ref:`:ProjectTodo <:ProjectTodo>` - Searches project files for todo / fixme patterns and adds them to the location list. - :ref:`:Todo <:Todo>` - Searches the current file for todo / fixme patterns and adds them to the location list. Ant Commands ------------ - :ref:`:Ant <:Ant>` [ ...] - Execute ant from the current project. - :ref:`:AntDoc <:AntDoc>` [] - Find and open the documentation for the element under the cursor or the element supplied as an argument. - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_ant>` - Validate the current ant build file. Css Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_css>` - Validate the current file. Dtd Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_dtd>` - Validate the current file. Html Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_html>` - Validate the current file. - :ref:`:BrowserOpen <:BrowserOpen>` - Opens the current file in your configured browser. Ivy Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:IvyRepo <:IvyRepo>` - Sets the necessary IVY_REPO classpath variable for supporting automatic updates to .classpath files upon ivy.xml updates. Java Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:JavaGet <:JavaGet>` - Create a java bean getter method. - :ref:`:JavaSet <:JavaSet>` - Create a java bean setter method. - :ref:`:JavaGetSet <:JavaGetSet>` - Create both a java bean getter and setter method. - :ref:`:JavaConstructor <:JavaConstructor>` - Creates class constructor, either empty or based on selected class fields. - :ref:`:JavaCallHierarchy <:JavaCallHierarchy>` [-s ] - Display the call hierarchy for the method under the cursor. - :ref:`:JavaHierarchy <:JavaHierarchy>` - View the type hierarchy tree. - :ref:`:JavaOutline <:JavaOutline>` - Open a buffer with an outline of the current source file. - :ref:`:JavaImpl <:JavaImpl>` - View implementable / overridable methods from super classes and implemented interfaces. - :ref:`:JavaDelegate <:JavaDelegate>` - View list of methods that delegate to the field under the cursor. - :ref:`:JUnit <:JUnit>` [testcase] - Allows you to execute junit test cases. - :ref:`:JUnitFindTest <:JUnitFindTest>` - Attempts to find the corresponding test for the current source file. - :ref:`:JUnitImpl <:JUnitImpl>` - Similar to **:JavaImpl**, but creates test methods. - :ref:`:JUnitResult <:JUnitResult>` [testcase] - Allows you to view the results of a test case. - :ref:`:JavaImport <:JavaImport>` - Import the class under the cursor. - :ref:`:JavaImportOrganize <:JavaImportOrganize>` - Import undefined types, remove unused imports, sort and format imports. - :ref:`:JavaSearch <:JavaSearch>` [-p ] [-t ] [-x ] [-s ] - Search for classes, methods, fields, etc. (With pattern supplied, searches for the element under the cursor). - :ref:`:JavaSearchContext <:JavaSearchContext>` - Perform a context sensitive search for the element under the cursor. - :ref:`:JavaCorrect <:JavaCorrect>` - Suggest possible corrections for a source error. - :ref:`:JavaDocSearch <:JavaDocSearch>` - Search for javadocs. Same usage as **:JavaSearch**. - :ref:`:JavaDocComment <:JavaDocComment>` - Adds or updates the comments for the element under the cursor. - :ref:`:JavaDocPreview <:JavaDocPreview>` - Display the javadoc of the element under the cursor in vim's preview window. - :ref:`:JavaRename <:JavaRename>` [new_name] - Rename the element under the cursor. - :ref:`:JavaMove <:JavaMove>` [new_package] - Move the current class/interface to another package. - :ref:`:Java <:Java>` - Executes the java using your project's main class. - :ref:`:JavaClasspath <:JavaClasspath>` [-d ] - Echos the project's classpath delimited by the system path separator or the supplied delimiter. - :ref:`:Javadoc <:Javadoc>` [file, file, ...] - Executes the javadoc utility against all or just the supplied source files. - :ref:`:JavaListInstalls <:JavaListInstalls>` - List known JDK/JRE installs. - :ref:`:JavaFormat <:JavaFormat>` - Formats java source code. - :ref:`:Checkstyle <:Checkstyle>` - Invokes checkstyle on the current file. - :ref:`:Jps <:Jps>` - Opens window with information about the currently running java processes. - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_java>` - Manually runs source code validation. - :ref:`:JavaNew <:JavaNew>`- Creates a new class, interface, enum, or annotation. Java .classpath Commands ------------------------ - :ref:`:NewSrcEntry <:NewSrcEntry_java>` - Add a new source dir entry. - :ref:`:NewProjectEntry <:NewProjectEntry_java>` - Add a new project entry. - :ref:`:NewJarEntry <:NewJarEntry_java>` [ ] - Add a jar entry. - :ref:`:NewVarEntry <:NewVarEntry_java>` [ ] - Add a new var entry. - :ref:`:VariableList <:VariableList>` List available classpath variables and their corresponding values. - :ref:`:VariableCreate <:VariableCreate>` - Creates or updates the variable with the supplied name. - :ref:`:VariableDelete <:VariableDelete>` - Deletes the variable with the supplied name. Javascript Commands -------------------- - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_javascript>` - Validate the current javascript file. Log4j Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_log4j>` - Validate the current log4j xml configuration file. Maven Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:Maven <:Maven>` [ ...] - Execute maven 1.x from the current project. - :ref:`:Mvn <:Mvn>` [ ...] - Execute maven 2.x from the current project. - :ref:`:MavenRepo <:MavenRepo>` - Sets the necessary MAVEN_REPO classpath variable for maven's (1.x) eclipse support. - :ref:`:MvnRepo <:MvnRepo>` - Sets the necessary M2_REPO classpath variable for maven's (2.x) eclipse support. Python Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:PythonSearch <:PythonSearch>` - Find the element under the cursor or, if requested, all references to that element. - :ref:`:PythonSearchContext <:PythonSearchContext>` - Find the element under the cursor or its references based on the current context in the file. - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_python>` - Validates the current file. - :ref:`:DjangoManage <:DjangoManage>` - Invokes django's manage.py from any file in the same directory as your manage.py or in any of the child directories. - :ref:`:DjangoFind <:DjangoFind>` - Available when editing a django html template file. Finds tag/filter definition, other template files, and static files. - :ref:`:DjangoTemplateOpen <:DjangoTemplateOpen>` - Available when editing a python file. Finds the template referenced under the cursor. - :ref:`:DjangoViewOpen <:DjangoViewOpen>` - Available when editing a python file. When within a django url patterns definition, finds the view referenced under the cursor. - :ref:`:DjangoContextOpen <:DjangoContextOpen>` - Available when editing a python file. Executes **:DjangoViewOpen**, **:DjangoTemplateOpen**, or **:PythonSearchContext** depending on the context of the text under the cursor. WebXml Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_webxml>` - Validate the current web.xml file. Xml Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:DtdDefinition <:DtdDefinition>` [] - Open the current xml file's dtd and jump to the element definition if supplied. - :ref:`:XsdDefinition <:XsdDefinition>` [] - Open the current xml file's xsd and jump to the element definition if supplied. - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_xml>` [] - Validates the supplied xml file or the current file if none supplied. Xsd Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:Validate <:Validate_xsd>` - Validate the current file. Misc. Commands ----------------- - :ref:`:LocateFile <:LocateFile>` [file] - Locates a relative file and opens it. - :ref:`:Tcd <:Tcd>` dir - Like :lcd but sets the tab's local working directory. - :ref:`:DiffLastSaved <:DiffLastSaved>` - Performs a diffsplit with the last saved version of the currently modifed file. - :ref:`:SwapWords <:SwapWords>` - Swaps two words (with cursor placed on the first word). Supports swapping around non-word characters like commas, periods, etc. - :ref:`:Sign <:Sign>` - Toggles adding or removing a vim sign on the current line. - :ref:`:Signs <:Signs>` - Opens a new window containing a list of signs for the current buffer. - :ref:`:SignClearUser <:SignClearUser>` - Removes all vim signs added via :Sign. - :ref:`:SignClearAll <:SignClearAll>` - Removes all vim signs. - :ref:`:QuickFixClear <:QuickFixClear>` - Removes all entries from the quick fix window. - :ref:`:LocationListClear <:LocationListClear>` - Removes all entries from the location list window. - :ref:`:Buffers <:Buffers>` - Opens a temporary window with a list of all the currently listed buffers, allowing you to open or remove them. - :ref:`:BuffersToggle <:BuffersToggle>` - Opens the buffers window if not open, otherwise closes it. - :ref:`:Only <:Only>` - Closes all but the current window and any windows excluded by **g:EclimOnlyExclude**. - :ref:`:History <:History>` - View the local history entries for the current file. - :ref:`:HistoryClear <:HistoryClear>` - Clear the local history entries for the current file. - :ref:`:HistoryDiffNext <:HistoryDiffNext>` / :ref:`:HistoryDiffPrev <:HistoryDiffPrev>` - Diff the current file against the next/previous entry in the history stack. - :ref:`:RefactorUndo <:RefactorUndo>` / :ref:`:RefactorRedo <:RefactorRedo>` - Undo / Redo the last refactoring. - :ref:`:RefactorUndoPeek <:RefactorUndoPeek>` / :ref:`:RefactorRedoPeek <:RefactorRedoPeek>` - Display a short description of the refactoring to be undone / redone. - :ref:`:OpenUrl <:OpenUrl>` [url] - Opens a url in your configured web browser. .. _pylint: http://www.logilab.org/857