This release is not compatible with Eclipse Juno (4.2). The next major release of eclim (2.2.0) will be built for Juno.
Updated all embedded python logic to be compatible with python 2.6 and higher.
Support for vim embedded python 2.5 or less no longer supported.
Added a :TreeTab command like :ProjectTab but for any arbitrary directory.
Added a :BuffersToggle command to toggle whether the eclim buffers windows is open or closed.
Refactored Vcs support, including a new :VcsLog layout.
Support for cvs and subversion have been discontinued.
Added initial support for using eclim via vim in cygwin.
The eclimd log file has been moved to: <workspace>/.metadata/.log.eclimd
Added support for specifying that gvim should be refocused after executing an eclipse keybinding from vim using eclim#vimplugin#FeedKeys.
Moved user local eclim resources (templates, taglist scripts, etc) from ${vimfiles}/eclim/resources to ~/.eclim/resources.
The eclim installer will move your existing files from the old location to the new location, but you may want to back those files up just in case.
Added :ProjectRename and :ProjectMove commands to allow renaming and moving of projects.
Added :ProjectProblems command to populate vim’s quickfix with a list of all eclipse build errors and warnings for the current and all related projects.
To have problems reported for java projects created via eclim, you may need to recreate your java projects to ensure that the java builder is properly added. As of eclim 1.5.2, eclim’s java project creation now adds the java builder.
Added :HistoryDiffNext and :HistoryDiffPrev commands to view history diffs while navigating the history stack.
Abbreviation support removed in favor of any one of the third party snippets plugins available on (snipMate, snippetsEmu, etc.).
Added support for hosting third party nailgun apps in eclim via an ext dir.
Fixed :CSearch results on Windows platforms.
Re-implemented c/c++ project creation.
If you created any c or c++ projects via eclim (as opposed to creating the project via the eclipse project wizard), then you are strongly encouraged to recreate those projects using the following steps:
:ProjectDelete project_name
:ProjectCreate /project/path/ -n c
(or cpp)After that you will need to re-configure any src or include folders you may have added.
.New graphical installer for easing the installation and upgrading procedure.
In previous releases of eclim, any time a command required access to the eclipse representation of a source file, eclim would force a full refresh of the current project to ensure that any external additions, deletions, or changes to other files would be automatically detected. However, this approach, while convenient and transparent to the user, comes with a performance penalty that grows as the project size grows.
For some users this performance penalty has been more noticeable than for others. So in response to this feedback, eclim no longer performs an automatic project refresh. What this means for you is that any time you perform an action that results in any file additions, deletions, or changes, like a svn / cvs update, you should issue a :ProjectRefresh to ensure that eclipse and eclim are updated with the latest version of the files on disk.
:ProjectCreate now supports optional -p argument for specifying the project name to use.
Created new command :ProjectRefreshAll to support refreshing all projects at once, and modified :ProjectRefresh to only refresh the current project if no project names are supplied.
Added :ProjectGrep, :ProjectGrepAdd, :ProjectLGrep, and :ProjectLGrepAdd.
Added support for buffer local variable b:EclimLocationListFilter which can contain a list of regular expression patterns used to filter location list entries with text / message field matching one of the patterns. The main intention of this new variable is to allow you to filter out validation errors / warnings per file type, that you wish to ignore.
Example which I have in my .vim/ftplugin/html/html.vim file:
let b:EclimLocationListFilter = [
\ '<table> lacks "summary" attribute'
\ ]
Added :VariableList, :VariableCreate and :VariableDelete.
Removed the preference <code></code>.
Updated ivy support to behave more like maven.
Added commands to ease setting of classpath repo variables for maven’s and mvn’s eclipse support.
Added TestNG to ant compiler’s error format.
Added :JUnitExecute and :JUnitResult.
Added :ProjectRefresh.
Added :ProjectOpen, :ProjectClose, and updated :ProjectList to show the current status of each project.
Added :ProjectTree and :ProjectsTree.
Added :ProjectCD and :ProjectLCD.
Added :JavaSearchContext.
Added means to preserve manually added classpath entries when utilizing eclim’s integration with ivy or maven dependency files.
Updated :JavaSearch to provide sensible defaults if command ommits various arguments. Also added support for supplying only a pattern to the :JavaSearch command which will result in a search for all types (classes, enums, interfaces) that match that pattern.
Added :Jps for viewing java process info.
Removed support for auto update of .classpath upon writing of maven project.xml in favor of new maven support.
Added :Maven and :Mvn commands for executing maven 1.x and 2.x.
Added :MavenDependencySearch and :MvnDependencySearch for searching for and adding dependencies to your maven pom file.
<anchor id=”upgrade_1.2.0”/> Re-organized eclim files within the vim runtime path. Based on suggestion by Marc Weber.
This change will require you to remove all the old eclim vim plugins prior to installing the new set. A comprehensive list of plugins to be deleted is provided <a href=”upgrade/resources/1.2.0/vim_plugin_list.txt”>here</a>.
You may also use one of the following scripts to help automate the process. Just download the appropriate file to the directory where you extracted the eclim vim plugins and execute it. Please review the script before executing it so that you are aware of what it does. Please report any issues as well.
After executing either of these scripts you may be left with one or more empty directories which are then safe to delete.
I appologize for this inconvience, and hopefully this change will help ease future upgrades.
Fixed eclipse .classpath commands.
Fixed java project update commands to refresh the project resources so that new jars are recognized when added to the .classpath file.
Bug 1437005 and other irregularities with calculation of the starting position for the completion.
The original implementation of :JavaImportClean was written entirely in vim (didn’t require eclim server). To properly handle ignoring comments when determining what imports are unused, this functionality had to be reimplemented with server side help. However, the vim only version is preserved and will be invoked if the current file is not in an eclipse project.
Other various bug fixes.
Added CursorHold autocommand that shows the current error, if any, on the current cursor line.
Removed global variables g:EclimDebug and g:EclimEchoHighlight in favor of new g:EclimLogLevel and the corresponding highlight varibles.
Removed all default key mappings. See the suggested set of mappings.
Now utilizing vim’s autoload functionality to load functions on demand.
One vim file was moved as a result, so you should delete the old file when upgrading.
A few vim scripts were renamed, so you will need to delete the old file when upgrading.
<ul> <li> ftplugin/eclipse_classpath/eclipse_classpath.vim moved to ftplugin/eclipse_classpath/eclim.vim </li> <li> ftplugin/ivy/ivy.vim moved to ftplugin/ivy/eclim.vim </li> <li> ftplugin/maven_project/maven_project.vim moved to ftplugin/maven_project/eclim.vim </li> </ul>