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Eclim Changes Archive

2.2.5 / 1.7.13 (Nov. 25, 2012)

  • 1.7.13 and above will now support Eclipse 3.8 as well as 3.7.
  • Fix :ProjectGrep and :ProjectTodo to search in all of the project’s links as well.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

2.2.4 / 1.7.12 (Nov. 18, 2012)

  • Updated :ProjectTree and :ProjectTab to support an arbitrary directory as an argument, allowing you to use the command for project’s not managed by eclipse/eclim. :TreeTab has been removed since the update to :ProjectTab makes it redundant.
  • Creation of projects in nested directories in the eclipse workspace (vs at the root of the workspace) is now properly supported through eclim.
  • Updated for ADT 21.0.0.
  • Fix placement of some error markers.
  • Some indentation fixes.

2.2.3 / 1.7.11 (Oct. 19, 2012)

  • Fixes execution of eclim commands from vim on Windows when using the external nailgun client (vs the python client).

2.2.2 / 1.7.10 (Oct. 07, 2012)

  • Updated eclimd script for Linux/OSX to supply reasonable defaults for heap and perm gen space if not already set by ~/.eclimrc.
  • Fixed C++ project creation to auto add the required C nature.
  • Fixed C/C++ issues introduced by the eclipse 4.2.1 release (project create/refresh and call hierarchy).
  • :JavaImportSort, :JavaImportClean, and :JavaImportMissing all removed in favor of a new command which performs the functionality of all three: :JavaImportOrganize
  • The vim option g:EclimJavaImportExclude has been replaced with the eclim setting
  • The vim option g:EclimJavaImportPackageSeparationLevel has been replaced with the eclim setting
  • g:EclimJavaBeanInsertIndexed vim variable removed in favor of suffixing :JavaGetSet methods with ‘!’.
  • :JavaCorrect, :JavaImpl, :JavaDelegate, :JavaConstructor, and :JUnitImpl all now perform their code manipulations using eclipse operations.
  • Initial support added for running :JavaSearch commands from source file results (library source files) not in a project.
  • g:EclimJavaCheckstyleOnSave replaced with the eclim setting
  • g:EclimJavaSrcValidate renamed to g:EclimJavaValidate.
  • :JUnitExecute replaced with a new and improved :JUnit command.
  • Added the command :JUnitFindTest to open the corresponding test for the current file.
  • Removed :Javac command since eclipse’s continuous incremental builds typically make the :Javac call a no op, and in cases where you need to induce compilation, :ProjectBuild does so in a language agnostic way.
  • Added :JavaMove command to move a java source file from one package to another.
  • Added :JavaDocPreview to display the javadoc of the element under the cursor in vim’s preview window.

1.7.9 (Sep. 09, 2012)

  • Add support for scala code completion, code validation, and element definition searches.

Git Log (1.7.9)

2.2.1 / 1.7.8 (Sep. 01, 2012)

  • Redesigned the eclim website using the sphinx bootstrap theme.
  • Reorganized many of the docs to consolidate similar features to hopefully make them easier to find and make the docs less sprawling.
  • Improved the translation of the docs to vim help files.
  • Eclim now has support for creating android projects.
  • Fixed searching for JDK classes on OSX.
  • Added support for searching for inner classes and their methods.
  • Fixed remaining tab vs spaces indenting related issues with code added via eclipse.
  • Fixed disabling of conflicting Eclipse keybindings on Juno while the embedded vim has focus (fixes usage of Ctrl+V for blockwise visual selections).

2.2.0 / 1.7.7 (Aug. 07, 2012)

  • Eclim 2.2.0 and above now requires Java 6 or later.
  • Eclim 2.2.0 and above now requires the latest version of eclipse (Juno, 4.2).
  • Updated eclimd script to always set the jvm architecture argument, preventing possible issue starting eclimd on OSX if the default architecture order of the java executable doesn’t match the eclipse architecture.
  • Semantic errors are now included in the validation results.
  • Added folding support to C/C++ call hierarchy buffer.
  • :ProjectRefresh now waits on the C/C++ indexer to finish before returning focus to the user.
  • Fixed auto selecting of the tool chain when creating C/C++ projects from eclim.
  • Fixed :CCallHierarchy from possibly using a cached version of the file resulting in incorrect or no results.
  • Fixed inserted code from :JavaCorrect when file format is ‘dos’.
  • Fixed off by one issue prevent several code correction suggestions from being suggested.
  • Fixed to prompt for the path to the ruby interpreter if necessary when importing a ruby project or adding the ruby nature to an existing project.
  • Fixed executing of some operations when vim is currently in insert mode (opening new file from eclipse in a new external vim tab, using “Save As” from eclipse, and jumping to a line number from the project tree etc.)

1.7.6 (Jun. 07, 2012)

Bug Fixes:
  • Couple other minor bug fixes.
  • Fixed install location of eclim’s vim help files (broken in the previous release).

Git Log (1.7.6)

1.7.5 (Jun. 03, 2012)


This release is not compatible with Eclipse Juno (4.2). The next major release of eclim (2.2.0) will be built for Juno.

  • Added uninstall support to the eclim installer.
  • Updated the installer to fully embrace eclipse’s provisioning framework (p2).
  • Fixed key binding conflict handling to not inadvertently switch your key binding scheme back to the default scheme.
  • Added support for importing the necessary type during code completion.
  • Improved location of a project’s main class for the :Java command, when not explicitly set.

Git Log (1.7.5)

1.7.4 (Apr. 22, 2012)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed possible NPE saving eclim settings.
  • Several other small bug fixes.
  • Fixed code completion by disabling the use of temp files.
  • Fixed :Java on windows as well as handling of stdin for ant 1.8.2+.

Git Log (1.7.4)

1.7.3 (Mar. 18, 2012)

Bug Fixes:
  • Lots of various bug fixes.
  • Added :ProjectBuild to build the current or supplied project.
  • Updated :ProjectProblems to support optional bang (:ProjectProblems!) to only show project errors.
  • Updating eclipse’s local history when writing in vim is now only enabled by default when gvim is opened from the eclipse gui.
  • Fixed project creation issue encountered on some systems.
  • Now when saving your pom.xml file your .classpath will be auto updated with the dependencies found in your pom.xml.
  • Now handles completion from within php short tags.

Git Log (1.7.3)

1.7.2 (Sep. 10, 2011)

Bug Fixes:
  • Various small bug fixes.
  • Fixed deadlock on the vim install dir pane for java 7.
  • Disabled listening for change events on embedded gvim. Should fix most causes of gvim crashing.
  • Other improvements for embedded gvim support.
  • Improved OSX detection.
  • Fix for passing jvm args to java when supplied as args to eclimd script.
  • Fix passing of dash prefixed :Java args (ex. -p) to the class to be run.
  • Improved completion of magic properties.
  • Support new php 5.3 version in pdt.

Git Log (1.7.2)

1.7.1 (Jul. 02, 2011)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: Not implemented [multiple displays] error when starting the eclipse gui after running eclimd.
  • Enable vim embedding on Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX versions of eclipse.

Git Log (1.7.1)

1.7.0 (Jun. 26, 2011)

Bug Fixes:
  • Bug fixes for eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) compatability.
  • Other bug fixes.
  • Eclim now requires the latest version of eclipse (Indigo, 3.7).

Git Log (1.7.0)

1.6.3 (Apr. 16, 2011)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug where one or more closed projects would prevent working with open projects.
  • Other small bug fixes.
  • Prevent possible OutOfMemoryError when invoking eclipse to install plugin dependencies by setting a larger heap space.

Git Log (1.6.3)

1.6.2 (Feb. 26, 2011)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed to use %USERPROFILE% on windows to retrieve the user home (fixes several possible issues including “Unable to determine your eclipse workspace”).
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Updated context search to greatly improve performance in some cases.
  • Updated all embedded python logic to be compatible with python 2.6 and higher.


    Support for vim embedded python 2.5 or less no longer supported.


Git Log (1.6.2)

1.6.1 (Oct. 23, 2010)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fix for :ProjectProblems command when any filters have been set from the eclipse gui.
  • Merged in JRuby’s improvements to nailgun’s build scripts to increase compatibility with more platforms.
  • Updated the installer and eclimd to not use the eclipse binary and instead run the launcher jar directly. Removes the need to locate the binary which varies by platform and some eclipse distributions, and fixes issues with options located in the eclipse.ini that are only supported by the IDE app.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Add workspace locking to prevent colliding with other running eclipse instances on the same workspace.
  • Added a :TreeTab command like :ProjectTab but for any arbitrary directory.

  • Added a :BuffersToggle command to toggle whether the eclim buffers windows is open or closed.

  • Refactored Vcs support, including a new :VcsLog layout.


    Support for cvs and subversion have been discontinued.

  • Upgraded included rope version to 0.9.3.
  • Improved the detection of the completion entries types.
  • Fixed validating php files in eclipse 3.6.1.

Git Log (1.6.1)

1.6.0 (Aug. 01, 2010)

Bug Fixes:
  • Several bug fixes for eclipse 3.6 (Helios) compatability.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Eclim now requires the latest version of eclipse (Helios, 3.6).

Git Log (1.6.0)

1.5.8 (Jun. 26, 2010)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed possible NPE during installation when one or more eclim dependent eclipse features needs to be upgraded.
  • Fixed code completion and search for php as well as search for ruby, all of which were all affected by dltk module caching introduced in galileo SR2.

Git Log (1.5.8)

1.5.7 (Jun. 20, 2010)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed launching of MacVim from the eclipse gui.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • The installer has undergone some extensive changes to make it more reliable and to better support various environments.

Git Log (1.5.7)

1.5.6 (Mar. 06, 2010)

Bug Fixes:
  • Avoid possible gvim crashes when launched from the eclipse gui by disabling documentListen events if the current gvim version doesn’t include the patch which resolves the crash.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Added a :ProjectTab command providing the ability to work on one or more projects each with a dedicated vim tab.
  • Added a :Tcd command to mimic :lcd but local to the tab instead of the window.
  • Added branch info to the footer of the project tree when using mercurial or git.
  • Added initial support for using eclim via vim in cygwin.

  • The eclimd log file has been moved to: <workspace>/.metadata/.log.eclimd

  • Added support for specifying that gvim should be refocused after executing an eclipse keybinding from vim using eclim#vimplugin#FeedKeys.

  • Moved user local eclim resources (templates, taglist scripts, etc) from ${vimfiles}/eclim/resources to ~/.eclim/resources.


    The eclim installer will move your existing files from the old location to the new location, but you may want to back those files up just in case.

Git Log (1.5.6)

1.5.5 (Feb. 22, 2010)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed error using :ProjectTree if the project name has non-word characters in it.
  • Fixed issue downloading content.jar from eclipse update site.

Git Log (1.5.5)

1.5.4 (Dec. 18, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed eclim client on OSX.
  • Fixed backspace key in the :LocateFile buffer.
  • Added support for interactively switching scopes from the :LocateFile buffer.
  • Added new search scopes (buffers, quickfix, vcsmodified) to :LocateFile.

Git Log (1.5.4)

1.5.3 (Dec. 12, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Fixed issues properly detecting write permissions on Windows machines.
  • Added full support for running multiple eclimd instances, each backed by a separate eclipse workspace.
  • Added ‘K’ mapping to :ProjectTree to set the tree root the either the project root of file system root depending on the context. Added ‘D’ mapping to create a new directory and ‘F’ to open a new or existing file by name. Note: the ‘H’ mapping to set the tree root to the user’s home directory has been changed to ‘~’.
  • Added setting to allow :ProjectTree instances to be shared across vim tabs.
  • Updated :VcsWeb to support github, google code, and bitbucket.
  • Improved :CSearchContext to search for declaration when on a definition, allowing you to jump back and forth between declaration and definition.
  • Added :CCallHierarchy to display the call hierarchy for the function or method under the cursor.
  • Added :JavaListInstalls to list all the installed JDKs/JREs that eclipse is aware of.

Git Log (1.5.3)

1.5.2 (Aug. 30, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Added :ProjectRename and :ProjectMove commands to allow renaming and moving of projects.

  • Added :ProjectProblems command to populate vim’s quickfix with a list of all eclipse build errors and warnings for the current and all related projects.


    To have problems reported for java projects created via eclim, you may need to recreate your java projects to ensure that the java builder is properly added. As of eclim 1.5.2, eclim’s java project creation now adds the java builder.

  • Added :HistoryDiffNext and :HistoryDiffPrev commands to view history diffs while navigating the history stack.

  • Abbreviation support removed in favor of any one of the third party snippets plugins available on (snipMate, snippetsEmu, etc.).

  • Added support for hosting third party nailgun apps in eclim via an ext dir.


Git Log (1.5.2)

1.5.1 (Jul. 18, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Several minor bug fixes.
  • Installation on Mac OSX should hopefully work now without manually creating a symlink to your eclipse executable.
  • Fixed possible NPE when exiting or starting eclipse if a gvim tab was left open.
  • Added initial support for linked folders in eclipse projects.
  • Added new g:EclimValidateSortResults setting to support sorting validation results (java, c/c++, php, etc.) by priority (errors > warnings > etc.).
  • Fixed :CSearch results on Windows platforms.

  • Re-implemented c/c++ project creation.


    If you created any c or c++ projects via eclim (as opposed to creating the project via the eclipse project wizard), then you are strongly encouraged to recreate those projects using the following steps:

    1. Delete the project using :ProjectDelete project_name
    2. Remove the .cproject file at the root of your project.
    3. Re-create the the project using :ProjectCreate /project/path/ -n c (or cpp)

    After that you will need to re-configure any src or include folders you may have added.

Git Log (1.5.1)

1.5.0 (Jul. 12, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Many bug fixes and refinements.
  • Eclim now requires the latest version of eclipse (Galileo, 3.5.x).
  • Added ruby support for code completion, searching, and validation.
  • Added ability to configure java indentation globally via :EclimSettings or per project using :ProjectSettings.

Git Log (1.5.0)

1.4.9 (Jun. 14, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed possible installation issue on Windows.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Vimplugin now supports auto starting eclimd view when gvim editor is opened from eclipse.
  • Handle possible key binding conflicts when using embedded gvim for two common gvim bindings (ctrl-w, ctrl-u).

Git Log (1.4.9)

1.4.8 (May 30, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed C/C++ element search.
  • Fixed possible issue with secondary python element search on Windows.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Switched repository searching to a new (hopefully more dependable) site.

Git Log (1.4.8)

1.4.7 (May 02, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed installation error on unix based operating systems.

Git Log (1.4.7)

1.4.6 (May 02, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Added c/c++ support for code completion, searching, and validation. Requires the eclipse cdt plugin.
  • Added command to run java.
  • Added command to run javac.
  • Added command to run javadoc.

Git Log (1.4.6)

1.4.5 (Apr. 04, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed pdt and wst code completion when invoked from headed eclimd.
  • Fixed closing of gvim from eclipse to cleanup swap files.
  • Fixed python code completion and find support when editing files with dos line endings or multi-byte unicode characters.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Added command to view type hierarchy.
  • Added command to import all undefined types.

Git Log (1.4.5)

1.4.4 (Jan. 10, 2009)

Bug Fixes:
  • Various bug fixes.
  • :Checkstyle command now creates a project classloader giving checkstyle access to any classes reachable via your project’s .classpath file.
  • Added the ability to run eclimd inside of eclipse.
  • Added support for embedding gvim inside of eclipse.
  • eclimd start scripts now available in the eclipse home.
  • Consolidated the various :LocateFile* commands into a single :LocateFile command with a new setting to specify the default means to open a result and various key bindings for opening via other means.
  • Restored php support via the new eclipse pdt 2.0.
  • Added option to set the split orientation (horizontal or vertical) used when executing diffs.
  • Added option to allow users to change the pattern used to match tracker ticket numbers in :VcsLog.

Git Log (1.4.4)

1.4.3 (Nov. 15, 2008)

Bug Fixes:
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Updated to make use of the new ganymede p2 provisioning system.
  • Rewrote :LocateFile* commands to provide functionality similar to eclipse’s “Open Resource” command or Textmate’s “Find in Project”.

Git Log (1.4.3)

1.4.2 (Sep. 30, 2008)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed obtaining of character offset used by code completion and various other commands.
  • Fixed possible bug with :JavaCorrect when modifying the file after obtaining a list of suggestions, and then attempting to apply a suggestion that is no longer valid.
  • Added support for git to :Vcs commands

Git Log (1.4.2)

1.4.1 (Aug. 24, 2008)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed determining of project paths outside of the workspace on Windows.
  • Fixed creation of project inside of the workspace on Windows.
  • Fixed some issues with code completion, etc. in files containing multi byte characters.
  • Various other bug fixes.

Git Log (1.4.1)

1.4.0 (July 27, 2008)

  • Eclim now requires the latest version of eclipse (Ganymede, 3.4.x).
  • Eclim has switched from the Apache 2 license to the GPLv3.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed possible issue on Windows determining workspace for users not using the default location.
  • Fixed sign placement (used by all validation plugins) on non-english vims.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Added translation of html docs to vim doc format accessable via :EclimHelp and :EclimHelpGrep.
  • Added :Todo and :ProjectTodo.
  • Added :TrackerTicket for viewing tickets by id in your web based tracking system.
  • Renamed setting org.eclim.project.vcs.tracker to org.eclim.project.tracker.
  • Support for php has been temporarily removed until the eclipse pdt team releases a Ganymede (3.4) compatible version.
  • Removed :VcsAnnotateOff in favor of invoking :VcsAnnotate again to remove the annotations.
  • Added vcs editor plugin which allows you to view diff of a file by hitting <enter> on a file name in the cvs, svn, or hg commit editor.
  • Removed :Trac* and :Viewvc* commands and replaced them with :VcsWeb* commands
  • Added :Only as a configurable alternative to vim’s :only command.
  • Added :OtherWorkingCopyDiff, :OtherWorkingCopyEdit, :OtherWorkingCopySplit, and :OtherWorkingCopyTabopen.

Git Log (1.4.0)

1.3.5 (Mar. 11, 2008)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed exclusion of plugins not chosen by the user for installation.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Added an archive (jar, tar, etc.) viewer.
  • Updated html validator to validate <style> and <script> tag contents.
  • Added support for limiting the number of log entries returned by :VcsLog (limits to 50 entries by default).
  • Updated :VcsLog, :VcsChangeSet, etc. to support cvs and hg where applicable.
  • Added :TracLog, :TracAnnotate, :TracChangeSet, and :TracDiff.

Git Log (1.3.5)

1.3.4 (Feb. 05, 2008)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed :JavaImpl when adding multi-argument methods.
  • Various other bug fixes.
  • Added :ProjectInfo.
  • Added an eclim/after directory to vim’s runtime path for any user scripts to be sourced after eclim.
  • Updated installer to handle eclipse installs which have a local user install location for plugins.
  • Fixed some issues with running the installer on the icedtea jvm.
  • Added php support for code completion, searching, and validation. Requires the eclipse pdt plugin.

Git Log (1.3.4)

1.3.3 (Dec. 15, 2007)

Bug Fixes:
  • Installer bug fixes.

Git Log (1.3.3)

1.3.2 (Dec. 04, 2007)

Bug Fixes:
  • Various bug fixes.
Html / Xml:
  • Added auto completion of end tags when typing ‘</’. This can be disabled by setting g:EclimSgmlCompleteEndTag to 0.
Java / Python:
  • :JavaRegex and :PythonRegex now support b:eclim_regex_type to determine if the regex should be applied to the whole sample text at once, or to each line individually.
  • Updated the java logger functionality to support a custom logger template.
  • Added :VcsInfo, :ViewvcAnnotate, :ViewvcChangeSet, and :ViewvcDiff.
Vcs (subversion):
  • Added :VcsLog, :VcsDiff, and :VcsCat.
  • Added vim window maximize and minimize support.
  • Added an alternate implementation of taglist.
  • Added command :Buffers.
  • Added :VimgrepRelative, :VimgrepAddRelative, :LvimgrepRelative, :LvimgrepAddRelative, :CdRelative, and :LcdRelative.

Git Log (1.3.2)

1.3.1 (July 13, 2007)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed eclimd startup issues on non-gentoo linux machines as well as similar issue in the installer when attempting to handle plugin dependencies for wst integration.
  • Fixed installer to not exclude html/util.vim when not installing wst integrations (fixes dependent code like java code completion).

Git Log (1.3.1)

1.3.0 (July 01, 2007)

Bug Fixes:
  • Bug fixes.
  • New graphical installer for easing the installation and upgrading procedure.

  • In previous releases of eclim, any time a command required access to the eclipse representation of a source file, eclim would force a full refresh of the current project to ensure that any external additions, deletions, or changes to other files would be automatically detected. However, this approach, while convenient and transparent to the user, comes with a performance penalty that grows as the project size grows.

    For some users this performance penalty has been more noticeable than for others. So in response to this feedback, eclim no longer performs an automatic project refresh. What this means for you is that any time you perform an action that results in any file additions, deletions, or changes, like a svn / cvs update, you should issue a :ProjectRefresh to ensure that eclipse and eclim are updated with the latest version of the files on disk.

  • :ProjectCreate now supports optional -p argument for specifying the project name to use.

  • Created new command :ProjectRefreshAll to support refreshing all projects at once, and modified :ProjectRefresh to only refresh the current project if no project names are supplied.

  • Added :ProjectGrep, :ProjectGrepAdd, :ProjectLGrep, and :ProjectLGrepAdd.

  • Added support for buffer local variable b:EclimLocationListFilter which can contain a list of regular expression patterns used to filter location list entries with text / message field matching one of the patterns. The main intention of this new variable is to allow you to filter out validation errors / warnings per file type, that you wish to ignore.

    Example which I have in my .vim/ftplugin/html/html.vim file:

    let b:EclimLocationListFilter = [
        \ '<table> lacks "summary" attribute'
      \ ]
  • Added support for testing regular expressions.
  • Added :VcsAnnotate and :Viewvc.
  • Added wsdl validation. Requires the eclipse wst plugin.

Git Log (1.3.0)

1.2.3 (Oct. 08, 2006)

Bug Fixes:
  • Vim scripts now account for possibly disruptive ‘wildignore’ option.
  • On Windows, vim scripts account for users who have modified the ‘shell’ that vim uses, temporarily restoring the default.
  • Reimplemented :EclimSettings and :ProjectSettings saving to be more fault tolerant.
  • Several other bug fixes.
  • Renamed :Settings to :EclimSettings to increase the uniqueness of the command name in an effort to avoid clashing with other vim plugins.
  • Maven dependency searching now expanded to ivy files via :IvyDependencySearch.
  • Fixed junit support to handle execution via maven 1.x and 2.x.
  • Added command :XmlFormat to reformat a xml file.

Git Log (1.2.3)

1.2.2 (Sep. 08, 2006)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed NullPointerException when accessing eclim preferences containing remnant property <code></code>.
  • Fixed plugin/eclim.vim to check vim version earlier to avoid errors on pre Vim 7 instances.
  • Fixed all usages of the temp window to account properly for errors.

Git Log (1.2.2)

1.2.1 (Sep. 07, 2006)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issues when eclipse is installed in a directory containing a space, like “Program Files”.
  • Fixed error when .classpath src dir is “” or “.”.
  • Fixed error if taglist.vim is not installed.
  • Fixed auto setting of jre source.
  • Fixed couple java code completion issues.
  • Several other bug fixes.
  • Made some improvements to ant code completion.
  • Added :FindCommandDef and :FindCommandRef.
  • Changed :FindFunctionVariableContext to :FindByContext.
  • Added :Tabnew and :TabnewRelative.
  • :Split and :SplitRelative now support ‘*’ and ‘**’ wildcards.

Git Log (1.2.1)

1.2.0 (July 16, 2006)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed processing of dtd related xml validation errors on Windows.
  • Using Ctrl-C on a prompt list (like when choosing a java class to import), stopped working. At some point during the vim 7 developement the vim behavor was modified. Eclim, has been fixed to account for this.
  • Greatly improved support for projects created from eclipse.
  • Fixed support for projects created from eclipse that reside in the workspace.
  • Other various bug fixes.
  • Eclim now works with and depends on eclipse 3.2.
  • Added :ProjectRefresh.

  • Added :ProjectOpen, :ProjectClose, and updated :ProjectList to show the current status of each project.

  • Added :ProjectTree and :ProjectsTree.

  • Added :ProjectCD and :ProjectLCD.

  • Added :JavaSearchContext.

  • Added means to preserve manually added classpath entries when utilizing eclim’s integration with ivy or maven dependency files.

  • Updated :JavaSearch to provide sensible defaults if command ommits various arguments. Also added support for supplying only a pattern to the :JavaSearch command which will result in a search for all types (classes, enums, interfaces) that match that pattern.

  • Added :Jps for viewing java process info.

  • Removed support for auto update of .classpath upon writing of maven project.xml in favor of new maven support.

  • Added :Maven and :Mvn commands for executing maven 1.x and 2.x.

  • Added :MavenDependencySearch and :MvnDependencySearch for searching for and adding dependencies to your maven pom file.

  • <anchor id=”upgrade_1.2.0”/> Re-organized eclim files within the vim runtime path. Based on suggestion by Marc Weber.


    This change will require you to remove all the old eclim vim plugins prior to installing the new set. A comprehensive list of plugins to be deleted is provided <a href=”upgrade/resources/1.2.0/vim_plugin_list.txt”>here</a>.

    You may also use one of the following scripts to help automate the process. Just download the appropriate file to the directory where you extracted the eclim vim plugins and execute it. Please review the script before executing it so that you are aware of what it does. Please report any issues as well.

    *nix users:
    <a href=”upgrade/resources/1.2.0/”></a>
    Be sure to either make the file executable
    $ chmod 755
    or run via sh
    $ sh
    Windows users:
    <a href=”upgrade/resources/1.2.0/upgrade.bat”>upgrade.bat</a>
    Run via a command prompt so that you can monitor the output.

    After executing either of these scripts you may be left with one or more empty directories which are then safe to delete.

    I appologize for this inconvience, and hopefully this change will help ease future upgrades.

  • Added :FindFunctionVariableContext to perform context sensitive searching for vim functions or global variables.
  • Added :Split, :SplitRelative, :EditRelative, :LocateFileEdit, :LocateFileSplit, and :LocateFileTab.

Git Log (1.2.0)

1.1.2 (May 07, 2006)

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed eclipse .classpath commands.

  • Fixed java project update commands to refresh the project resources so that new jars are recognized when added to the .classpath file.

  • Bug 1437025

  • Bug 1437005 and other irregularities with calculation of the starting position for the completion.

  • Bug 1440606


    The original implementation of :JavaImportClean was written entirely in vim (didn’t require eclim server). To properly handle ignoring comments when determining what imports are unused, this functionality had to be reimplemented with server side help. However, the vim only version is preserved and will be invoked if the current file is not in an eclipse project.

  • Other various bug fixes.

  • Utilizing vim’s new dictionary based completion results.
  • Added :JavaConstructor.
  • :JavaImpl now supports overriding constructors.
  • Added :JavaDocComment command to add or update javadocs comment for the element under the cursor.
  • Added :JavaRegex for testing java regular expressions.
  • JDT no longer requires system property placeholder to use ‘_’ instead of ‘.’.
  • Velocity templates broken up into more logical templates to ease customization.
  • :JavaGetSet now has variable to determine whether or not to add indexed getters and setters.
  • Removed preference in favor of new g:EclimSignLevel.
  • Added couple miscellaneous vim commands for use in or outside of eclim context.
  • Added groovy script based ctags implementation for use with the vim taglist plugin.
  • All of the functionality that previously placed results / errors into the quickfix window, now utilizes vim’s new location list functionality.
  • Added web lookup commands.
  • Added vim script function / global variable searching.
  • Added vim doc lookup.
  • Various improvements to ‘sign’ support for marking errors, warnings, etc.
  • Xml validation now caches remote entities (like dtds).

Git Log (1.1.2)

1.1.1 (Feb. 19, 2006)

Bug Fixes:
  • Code completion results now sorted by type and then alphabetically.
  • Code corrections that cannot be applied in the standard way (those with no previews) are excluded.
  • Simple searching from spring / hiberate / web.xml files is fixed.
  • Java import command is now restricted to the current project.
  • Java src file location (for almost all java commands) now uses the full path to find the file in eclipse rather than build the path from the file’s package declaration and class name. Fixes cases where the package name doesn’t match up with the folder structure.
  • Xml validation errors that occur when no dtd is defined are filtered out (limitation of using xerces to support jdk 1.4).
  • Relative xml entities are now resolved when validating an xml file.
  • Fixed logging template code for slf4j.
  • Fixed possible error when removing signs for marking errors / warnings for the current file.
  • Fixed :JavaImport to not import classes that are in the same package as the current file.
  • Fixed java source validation to clear out the quickfix results when all errors have been fixed.
  • Fixed :JavaImpl to get the interfaces of superclass lineage in addition to directly implemented interfaces of the current class.
  • When adding methods from the resulting buffer of :JavaImpl or :JUnitImpl, if the target class was an inner class of the src file, then the methods were being added to the outer class instead of the inner class.
  • Fixed javadoc search results to restore <enter> as mapping to open result in a browser after the quickfix window is closed and then opened again.
  • Other various bug fixes.
  • Eclim now depends on eclispe version 3.1.2. The Eclipse team made some improvements to how inner classes are handled that eclim now depends on.
  • Added support for global settings/preferences via new :Settings command.
  • Delegate method creation.
  • Added g:EclimJavaSearchSingleResult setting to determine action to take when only a singe result is returned using the java source code searching. Based on suggestion by Ivo Danihelka.
  • Added g:EclimJavaDocSearchSingleResult setting to determine action to take when only a singe result is returned using the javadoc searching. Based on suggestion by Ivo Danihelka.
  • Added preference to suppress warnings when using java source code validation.
  • Added CursorHold autocommand that shows the current error, if any, on the current cursor line.

  • Removed global variables g:EclimDebug and g:EclimEchoHighlight in favor of new g:EclimLogLevel and the corresponding highlight varibles.

  • Removed all default key mappings. See the suggested set of mappings.

  • Now utilizing vim’s autoload functionality to load functions on demand.

    One vim file was moved as a result, so you should delete the old file when upgrading.


    • ftplugin/java/eclim_util.vim removed.

Git Log (1.1.1)

1.1.0 (Dec. 26, 2005)

Bug Fixes:
  • Code completion, searching, etc fixed on files with fileformat == ‘dos’.
  • Several other minor fixes and enhancements.
  • Source validation.
  • Javadoc viewing.
  • Override/Impl stub generation.
  • Bean getter/setter generation.
  • Junit test method stub generation.
  • Alternate searching in code bases outside of an eclipse project.
  • Code correction via eclipse quickfix functionality.
  • Support for viewing source files located in archives (zip, jar) when searching.
  • Support for generating a source prototype when viewing search results that do not have a corresponding source file attached.
  • Added some handy abbreviations.
  • Added validation of the .classpath file when saving. Errors are then reported via vim’s quickfix.
  • A few vim scripts were renamed, so you will need to delete the old file when upgrading.


    <ul> <li> ftplugin/eclipse_classpath/eclipse_classpath.vim moved to ftplugin/eclipse_classpath/eclim.vim </li> <li> ftplugin/ivy/ivy.vim moved to ftplugin/ivy/eclim.vim </li> <li> ftplugin/maven_project/maven_project.vim moved to ftplugin/maven_project/eclim.vim </li> </ul>


Git Log (1.1.0)

1.0.0 (Oct. 16, 2005)

  • Initial release.

Git Log (1.0.0)